- Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature straniere e Culture moderne
- Corso di studio in Management dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione Aziendale
- Dottorato in Patrimonio Culturale e produzione storico-artistica, audiovisiva e multimediale
- Sistemi informativi e gestione delle reti aziendali (SAA0069)
Corso di studio in Management dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione Aziendale
Temi di ricerca
Born in Rimini - Italy - Nov 10th , 1970
Graduated at University of Bologna in Engineering in Telecomunications – (a.y. 1998-99) and in Pharmacy (a.y. 2021-22) is interested in a broad range of scientific and technological fields.
His Telecomunication Engineering Thesis has been used and tested in Optical Elaboration Laboratories Engineering Faculty in Bologna University to analize and reveal the behaviour of Electromagnetic fields through space and different materials.
Alongside his studies in Telecommunication Engineering he has been enrolled in Accademia Navale – in Livorno and, as a Navy Officer in Logistics and Army Targeting Systems, he gained skills in airborne detecting techniques, image editing for documentary and reconnaissance.
His studies and experiences have widened to Video Digital Editing, Information Comunication Technology, Applied Mathematics and Physics.Lately his studies have focused towards analyzing and developing the impact of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Extended Virtual Reality, Robotics on scientific dissemination and discovery.
Advanced Tourist Reconnaissance Systems: exploratory strategies and technological innovations for the promotion of cultural heritage (mountain and island)
The Doctorate Research Project in Cultural Heritage and Historical-Artistic, Audiovisual and Multimedia Production (hereinafter DRPiCH) started on December 11th, 2023 thanks to a rigorous process of continuous training and discussion (weekly calls) with Professor Filippo Monge, preparatory to the definition of research scope and trajectories.
From this work and from a first literary exploration in professional and sector publications the project developed in a global vision with a strong technological and management connotation.
Starting from the hypothesis that there is “submerged” cultural heritage that has not been adequately investigated, a managerial use of modern detection techniques has been considered together with contextual simulations with the aid of Artificial Intelligence aiming at bringing out new heritage evidence of local areas by devoting a particular attention to the mountain systems, internal areas and micro-island territories of our country involving ANCIM e UNCEM nets in the process.
The scalability of the construction site-event model generated by the production of information from drones and the use of A.I. could activate dynamics of tourist attractiveness of the site being tested and furthermore the development of strategic directions for territorial promotion (tourism and settlement).
The research will be brought through Literary exploration on scientific publications in the 13B2 sector, band A - ANVUR (not prior to 2019) and on professional and sector publications (peer review methodology of case studies) not earlier than 2021.